From time to time I accumulate cute little hacks that help debug/reverse engineer stuff in Objective-C. Typically, these are gdb macros that help introspect data from within a live program, though sometimes it’s a blob of ObjC code that does something fun when injected into the runtime. Today, I’ve discovered something extraordinarily helpful that falls into neither of those categories. (more…)
(Title intentionally left singular) Every now and then, a person experiences a day that stands apart from the rest. While trekking to San Francisco for WWDC, I have had to opportunity to have such a day. And I’m only in Denver (and will be for at least the next 4 hours!). (more…)
Warning: WWDC imminent
The day of reckoning is nigh at hand. Sunday night I depart for California, the land of San Francisco, with smokris, for adventures untold. What lies in store for us? Only time will tell…. (more…)
The past few weeks have been largely under the radar, with a lot going on with software, finance, and Alias. I always find it funny when people start approaching me in real life to ask whether or not things are going ok since I haven’t written anything in N weeks (where N is an integer greater than 0). Fear not, I am ok 🙂 (more…)