Lately, Alias has been teaching our daughter how to hold our hand when we walk places. This is a relatively new experience for her, since she’s accustomed to us carrying her, putting her in a stroller, or leaving her to her own self-directed devices. Nevertheless, she’s picked the skill up well, and basically performs admirably. (more…)
MMX (and not the ISA)
MMX was an instruction set added by Intel to its processor lineup in the mid 1990’s. It was marketed as a parallelization technology (it wasn’t) that would accelerate your games (it didn’t). Offering an integer-only instruction set to a world that had largely moved on to floating point wasn’t particularly interesting or useful (though it did have a few fun applications), but that didn’t stop me from writing about it a long long time ago here. I won’t be elaborating further on that. Instead, I’d much rather go over the other MMX, also known as 2010.
Ghost in the shell
I was planning on some really cool technical junk for tonight’s post, but midway through the day I caught word of a friend’s death. (more…)
First Week -or- The Craziest Story Ever Told
I’ve been chilling in my new Cupertino apartment for about 3 days now. Jet Lag still makes me wake up between 5 and 6am local time, but strangely allows me to stay up till midnight. When I need to go somewhere, I walk, and until Alisa gets here next week, I likely won’t have much in the way of amenities. Not that I’m in dire need, mind you — it’s just not a priority at the moment. (more…)
The vast majority of my employment time is spent solving problems. The remainder is spent in a sort of meta-problem-solving state, where I try to organize the order in which I should solve the problems that are outstanding to maximise some set of criteria (where the criteria is usually a tug between profits, personal curiosity, and getting people to shut up.) (more…)
Vanity and prescience
I am a somewhat vain person, and once I got my car, I decided to brand it with a variation of my name for my license place. My name, being Christopher, could be somewhat shortened/abbreviated as “xtopher”. (more…)
Fun with flats and fraud
My posts have grown more and more infrequent as the wiles of life have started making things increasingly personal and private. Yet recently I’ve had a couple fun experiences that I suppose I could bore you with. 🙂
Years and years and years ago, I dreamed of getting a cool-sounding domain. “Perpendiculous” is one such cool-sounding word.
Years and Years later, was taken, and I abandoned all hope of ever getting a cool-sounding domain name again. (more…)